

I do not know what weal means
I think you are a verb
With education such as mine your sense should be assured
My thoughts on you go round and round
Of course this is absurd
You have no h nor double e
That is a different word

I weal, he weals, they weal
We weal away the day
Could be you do it with wealty
I really cannot say
And maybe you are wealsome
Or wealer than me
For keenly do I feel that I’m treading weallessly

“Just google it”, “just look it up”
But part of me infers
That you’re a living denizen of regions undiscerned
Perhaps I knew your meaning once
Mayhap I made you up
For me your nature half-defined is as a half-filled cup
And in the draught of knowing
Although I’d satiate
          My thirst for hidden knowledge
The whole would dissipate
My grail empty, worthless
On my tongue the mundane taste
          Of here and there
          And then and now
          And me and you and they

For all the things I do not know
Surround me in my sleep
But you’re someone I do not know
And yet I know your face
Seeing isn’t knowing
Nor does knowledge equal sight
But looking is to questing
As the void is to insight

One day soon, might be today
I’ll know what can be known
I’ll say “aha!” or “yeah, that’s right”
And gild my unseen crown
Then file you away again
Within some common drawer
To be forgot or be ignored
One word amongst the horde
But you’re not really weal
No, you’re not at all the same
And though you’re ever in my thoughts
I’ll never know your name