poetry is perversion
The poet twists simple and obvious truths to their own designs.
poetry is confusion
The poet seeks to suffocate truth under layers of allusion and allegory, meter and cadence, alliteration and rhyme.
poetry is the unknown
The poet is an evangelist for unattainable truth.
poetry is the untamed
The poet takes refuge behind a veil of form and convention but seeks always the primal, the uncontrollable, the unfettered.
poetry is the unsettled
The poet attempts to infuse chaos within order.
poetry is subversion
The poet’s pretense to revelation masks their belief that reality is perception.
poetry is illusion
The poet promises much but delivers little.
poetry is alienation
The poet endeavors alone, working towards our complete isolation.
Big Poetry is Will
The Big Poet marches ever on, unwavering in the face of a stark reality.
Big Poetry is Truth
The Big Poet closes the circle so that all may become one.
Big Poetry is Peace
The Big Poet unveils realms beyond conceit, beyond words, beyond meaning.
Big Poetry is the Way
The Big Poet seeks not the path in but the path out.
Big Poetry is Flow
The Big Poet facilitates our journey and guides our steps.
Big Poetry is Union
The Big Poet embraces life’s contradictions.
Big Poetry is Creation
The Big Poet forms all from all and nothing from nothing.
Big Poetry is Passion
The Big Poet feels deeply and loves with a whole heart.